Friday, July 6, 2012

Insights from the Youth Panel - What can we do to make Europe matter again?

Valerie Coscas, Strategy Director - Strategic Partnerships, France Telecom Group
Emilie Cousteau, CEO, One World Lingerie
Steven Eichenberger – Managing Director, Euforia
Myriam Oufella Ferran, Vice President, Head of Change Management, State Street Banque
Mads Jensen, CEO and Co-founder, Sefaira

Horacio Falcão, Affiliate Professor of Decision Sciences, INSEAD

When asked how they define innovation or panel weighed in:

Valerie Coscas: There is no one definition of innovation - it is what comes next - what comes to most peoples mind first is tech but there is innovation in supply chain, distribution,  and many other areas"

Emilie Cousteau: It is about stepping out of your comfort zone and looking for new markets new products and if we don't step out of our comfort zone then we die...

Myriam Oufella Ferran: I had a meeting with entrepreneurs that had great products but were too afraid to fail - there is a question of mindset - for me the direct consequence of innovation is creating jobs and new needs.

When asked about Social Europe:

Mads Jensen: Need to start by creating wealth! I see the economy and social society go hand in hand - they are complementary.

And on politicians...

When asked whether young people would become brave politicians that do something other than make impossible promises to get voted in,  Mads Jensen says "I believe that more young people would be willing to go into politics if the institutions were able to do something other than protecting the status quo - until that happens I don't think it makes a difference who is in the positions."

When asked whether Europe's youth are ready to make sacrifices, Steven Eichenberger says that with 50% youth unemployment in some European countries - the youth are already making sacrifices.

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